New petition launched to remove Kurdistan Workers Party from terrorist list

Green Left

By Peter Boyle
February 10, 2022

The Federation of Democratic Kurdish Society-Australia launched an
online petition calling on the Australian government to de-list the
Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) as a “terrorist organisation”.

Solidarity groups such as Australians for Kurdistan, Rojava Solidarity
Sydney, North and East Syria Solidarity as well as progressive
political parties, including the Greens and the Socialist Alliance,
are showing support for the campaign.

The PKK has been fighting for the freedom of the Kurdish people, who
are an oppressed minority nationality in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran.
While the PKK has carried out an armed struggle since 1984, it has
also implemented at least four unilateral ceasefires, the first in
1993 and the latest in 2013 when it began withdrawing its armed units
to camps in northern Iraq.

The PKK has dropped its demand for an independent Kurdish state and
instead calls for autonomy within a democratised Turkey.

The preamble to the petition states: “The PKK seeks to enter into
direct negotiations with the Turkish government. Its acknowledged
leader, Abdullah Öcalan, jailed in Turkey since 1999, will play a key
role in any such negotiations and the PKK wants his harsh conditions
of imprisonment significantly eased to facilitate this.”

The federal government first added the PKK to the list of prohibited
organisations in 2006 after Turkey’s dictator President Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan visited Australia. It was re-listed in August 2021.

Listing as a “terrorist organisation” means it is illegal for
Australian citizens to belong to the PKK, raise funds or actively
support it. This imposes a serious restriction on the freedom of
political expression of Kurdish Australians and their supporters.

The Australian Federal Police and ASIO have previously raided the
homes and community centres of the Kurdish community in Melbourne,
Perth and Sydney. Kurdish-Australian journalist Renas Lelikan was
arrested and charged with being a member of the PKK in 2016 after
being in the Middle East reporting on the Kurdish freedom struggle.

While he was eventually convicted of being a member of the PKK, in
sentencing Lelikan in 2019, NSW Supreme Court Justice Lucy McCallum
recognised that “the ideology of the PKK as expressed in the writings
of Abdullah Öcalan has more in common with the values of our democracy
than it does with extremist violent jihad. It is based on the notion
of 'democratic confederalism', which Öcalan describes as being 'open
towards other political groups and factions … flexible,
multi-cultural, anti-monopolistic, and consensus-oriented' and an
ideology of which 'ecology and feminism are central pillars'."

While the government’s listing of the PKK left the court no choice but
to convict Lelikan, McCallum said “there was no available evidence
that the PKK seeks to harm Australians or Australia’s democratic
institutions. Nor is there evidence to suggest that Australia faces
any threat from the PKK.”

“Whilst I accept that support for terrorism is inherently serious, the
ideal of self-determination espoused by the PKK is not the most
dangerous ideal of our times. That assessment confirms my overall
characterisation of the present offence as being towards the lowest
order of seriousness.”

The supreme court of Belgium ruled in 2020 that the PKK was not a
terrorist organisation.

After the Australian government first listed the PKK as a terrorist
organisation, two Labor MPs on the Parliamentary Joint Committee on
Intelligence and Security issued a minority report dissenting from the
proposed re-listing. That was the first and only time the Committee
has been divided over whether an organisation should be listed.

Greens MPs and independent MP Andrew Wilkie have supported the calls
for de-listing.

NSW Greens MP Jamie Parker told Green Left: “The PKK poses no risk to
the people of Australia. The listing denies the important role they
can play in a peace process and their key role in the defeat of ISIS.

“The Australian Greens opposed the original listing of the PKK under
the John Howard government in 2005.

“The PKK played a key role in the defeat of ISIS forces on the ground
in Syria with the support of the United States.

“Delisting the PKK would give extra impetus to a peace process between
the Kurds and Turkey. The leader of the PKK, Abdullah Öcalan, can play
an important role in a peace process and should be released from his
inhumane imprisonment.”

Melbourne-based activist and Co-Chair of North and East Syria
Solidarity Fionn Skiotis told Green Left that the new petition was
part of an international campaign. The Belgian supreme court decision
was “one of the first cracks in the crumbling of this ridiculous
labeling of the PKK as a terrorist organisation, which it is not”, he

The labelling of the PKK as a terrorist organisation helps the Turkish
state continue its oppression of the Kurdish people.

“In Turkey, people can be sent to jail for something as simple as
saying a Kurdish expression or singing a Kurdish song because this can
be presented as some form of support for ‘terrorism’.

“Many Kurdish politicians who have been democratically elected have
been removed from office and jailed because they are claimed to be
supporting PKK ‘terrorism’.

“It is used in an international context by Turkey to justify its now
very open warfare against the Kurdish people right across Kurdistan.

“The recent attacks in North and East Syria and in Shengal in Iraq and
in Kurdish areas in Turkey are justified by Turkey as acts in pursuit
of ‘terrorists’.

“As long as the listing of the PKK remains in countries like Australia
and its allies in the West, Turkey will be able to use that excuse to
continue its war on the Kurds.”