Categories: 2022

Forcibly displaced Artsakh residents holding protest in Yerevan

Feb 18 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. People forcibly displaced from Artsakh are holding a protest in Yerevan. Residents of Hadrut and Shushi have gathered at Yerevan's Republic Square,  indignant at the Armenian authorities' indifference toward them. 

As a result of the 2020 war Hadrud and Shushi were occupied by  Azerbaijani troops. The residents had to flee empty-handed. 

"We have no housing, work or even cash allowances. The government has  not paid us for two months. We want to return to Arstakh, but we have  neither homes nor sustenance. We have come here, but none of the  government officials is coming out to know why we are here," the  protesters say. 

One of the protesters, Levon Airyan, said Armenia's incumbent  authorities "do not even know what hey want." 

"What peace treaty are you talking about? You did not declare war nor  did Azerbaijan. Such a treaty must never be signed. It will be  further capitulation committed to paper. So the enemy is in a hurry.  And Armenia's authorities are incompetent and do not know what they  are doing. And the tragedy of the situation is that they are trying  to invoke political reasons," he said. 

According to him, the Arstakh authorities should declare the  statement on November 9, 2020, groundless.  The protesters marched  toward Armenia's foreign office for a written answer to their  inquiry. 

Garnik Zakarian: