Armenian citizen’s deportation from Russia to Azerbaijan is prevented, this person is returned to Armenia 
Armenia – Feb 16 2022

The erroneous deportation of an Armenian citizen born in Azerbaijan to the latter was prevented as a result of cooperation between the Prosecutor General's Offices of Armenia and Russia, Armenian has learned from the Prosecutor General's Office of Armenia.

In view of the fact that this person had committed an administrative offense in Russia, a Russian court had ruled that this individual should be held administratively liable and be deported from Russia.

But in the introductory part of this decision, the court had erroneously stated that this person was an Azerbaijani citizen, in which case there was a risk of deportation to Azerbaijan.

The Prosecutor General's Office of Armenia took measures to stop this deportation process—and by engaging the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia and the authorized state agencies of Armenia in resolving this matter.

With the assistance of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia, this matter was presented to the Russian court that had made the above-mentioned decision. As a result, this court changed the inaccuracy in this decision, and this person was returned to Armenia.