ARS Social Services Provides Homeless Services Amid Covid-19 Pandemic

ARS Social Services case manager Seda Khalatian provides services to a community member

The Armenian Relief Society of Western USA, Social Services has been serving the homeless and at risk of homelessness population in the greater Los Angeles area, in general, and the City of Glendale, in particular, through grant-funded programs since July 2018.

The services, which have been in the form of direct rental assistance, housing navigation and search, intensive case management, employment services and support, and general social services, have been possible in partnership with the City of Glendale and through the California Emergency Solutions and Housing; Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP); and Emergency Solutions Grant Round Two Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (ESG-CV2) programs.

Given the increasing concerns regarding the coronavirus pandemic and the vulnerability of populations experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness, ARS Social Services has been operating the ESG-CV2 program since July 2021 and will continue through September. The purpose is to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the Covid-19 pandemic among individuals and families, who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance, and support homelessness prevention activities to mitigate the impact of Covid-19.

As part of the program, ARS Social Services staff provide rapid re-housing services for homeless persons and homelessness prevention services for those at risk of homelessness, including screening and assessing potential program participants, conducting intake and program enrollment, intake in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), housing navigation services including identifying and assisting in the move-in process and establishing communication/collaboration with landlords, providing case management to facilitate access to mainstream public benefits, employment-related assistance, mediation with landlords/property managers, stabilization services for transition to permanent housing, and direct financial assistance to eligible individuals/households for housing application fees, rental subsidy, and security deposits.

Case managers have screened and assessed potential applicants of all ages, and ethnic and racial backgrounds to determine eligibility for services. The current duration of program services is a 9-month period. Numerous individuals have been enrolled and placed into permanent housing or obtained the ability to maintain their housing through services provided by ARS Social Services staff.   

In order to be qualified and receive these services, an individual must have proof of homelessness by way of a homeless verification letter through one of the Glendale Continuum of Care system’s lead agencies – Ascencia Shelter – for rapid re-housing services or an Eviction, Termination of Tenancy, or Late Rent Notice for homelessness prevention services. Income qualifications apply, which applicants have to meet based on the most current poverty guidelines. While in the program, clients who are elderly, disabled, and unemployable, are also evaluated and referred by ARS Social Services staff to other long term and permanent housing programs such as Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) and LA ADU Accelerator Program to guarantee continued assistance and services.

The availability of such services provided by ARS Social Services has paramount importance especially in Los Angeles County, which has one of the highest concentrations of homelessness in the nation. Unfortunately, the ongoing pandemic has made an already dire situation even worse, and added to the number of people, who desperately need homelessness and housing services.

“This program has given us the opportunity to assist and house chronically homeless individuals, who had been experiencing homelessness in the City of Glendale and other parts of Los Angeles County for years, that would have been impossible otherwise,” said Seda Khalatian, ARS Social Services case manager.

“My husband and I were SSI recipients, and when I lost my husband due to complications of Covid-19 in January 2021, I was unable to pay my rent with my SSI alone and received a notice from my landlord that I would be evicted if I could not pay the rent,” said a 70 year old client receiving services through the program. “I was on the verge of homelessness when I learned about the Armenian Relief Society Social Services ESG-CV2 program and applied. Within a couple of weeks, my application was approved and the program started to provide my landlord with direct payments for my rent, which prevented me from becoming homeless and made it possible for me to maintain my housing. I will forever be grateful to this program and the dedicated staff of the Armenian Relief Society Social Services,” she added.

If you know someone who is experiencing or is at risk of homelessness, please contact Selina Sarafian (818) 241-7533 x129 or Seda Khalatian (818) 241-7533 x119 for guidance and assistance. Staff is multilingual and able to deliver services in a culturally and linguistically competent manner.    

ARS Social Services is committed to providing comprehensive social services to low-moderate individuals and families through offices located in Glendale, Pasadena, and Hollywood. Services include case management, completion of forms, assistance with housing and transportation issues, senior services, Covid-19 outreach and system navigation services, employment services, referrals, English as a Second Language/Life Skills classes, refugee youth mentoring, homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing, food pantry services, and more. The ARS Social Services main office can be reached at (818) 241-7533 or [email protected].