Categories: 2022

Azerbaijani troops keep on terrorizing Artsakh population.

Feb 16 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Azerbaijani troops keep on terrorizing the Artsakh population.

The Police of the Republic of Artsakh reports that the Azerbaijani  troops opened fire at a tractor driver. 

"On February 15, at about 3:30pm, in the administrative territory of  the village of Khramort, one of the villagers, Khnapat K., born in  1983, came under fire opened by the Azerbaijani troops while driving  a tractor in the field. The tractor wheel was damaged. The local  officials headed by Head of the local administration Arman  Sarukhanyan and representatives of the Russian peacekeeping  contingent arrived at the scene. The police are collecting evidence  to launch an investigation," the report reads. 

On Tuesday the Azerbaijani troops opened fire at the local  settlements in the aforementioned direction, injuring one serviceman  of the Artsakh Defense Army.

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