Categories: 2022

EU Ambassador: The Karabakh conflict cannot be considered resolved, as there are still a number of open questions

Feb 16 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs are primarily responsible for finding solutions to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Head of the EU Delegation to  Armenia Andrea Wiktorin stated this in an interview at the Media  Center, referring to the settlement of the Karabakh conflict and the  role of the European Union.

At the same time, she recalled that the European Union, after the end  of hostilities, has repeatedly declared its readiness to do much more  for the peace process. In this vein, the diplomat drew attention to  the fact that the EU, both during the war and after it, provided  direct humanitarian assistance. "We also provide assistance to the  International Committee of the Red Cross, which is also represented  in Nagorno-Karabakh and provides internal assistance there, as we  cannot carry out activities inside Nagorno-Karabakh. We have  repeatedly noted that we are ready to do more", Wiktorin emphasized  once again, while adding that President of the European Council,  Charles Michel, takes a personal interest in this issue and has taken  part in various initiatives. In this vein, she recalled that with his  assistance last summer, in November 2021 and in February of this  year, groups of Armenian prisoners of war were returned from  Azerbaijan. The diplomat noted that the EU is ready to do more to  resolve humanitarian issues.

Speaking about the situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and  the possibility of establishing a special EU monitoring mission on  the border, the Ambassador noted that Brussels offered its services  and assistance. "Toivo Klaar, the EU Special Representative for the  South Caucasus, and I held special discussions here, and we are ready  and willing to help improve the border situation if we are invited.  This is the main condition, that is, they should turn to us so that  we can help. We can also assist in the issue of delimitation and  demarcation of the border, which is also difficult to move forward,  if, of course, they turn to us. We are in touch with both sides", she  said, once again pointing out the importance of dialogue between the  parties to the conflict.

The diplomat also disagreed with the statements of the President of  Azerbaijan regarding the fact that the Karabakh conflict has been  resolved. According to Wikkorin, there are so many open questions  that it cannot be said that the conflict has been resolved. "We are  ready to assist in finding solutions to the problem at any stage, and  at any step we will consult with the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, as  this is also the position of the RA government as well," the European  diplomat said. 

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