Normalization process between Turkey and Armenia "is really encouraging", says US ambassador to Turkey

Feb 16 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Turkey and the US "benefit from a close relationship," said the new US Ambassador to Ankara Jeffrey Flake, hailing the bilateral ties between the two  countries.

Turkey is a "consequential" country and has "a big role on the global  stage," Jeff Flake told Anadolu Agency in an exclusive interview.

"It's an important ally for us," he stressed, further saying that the  security between Ankara and Washington has "strengthened."

Flake officially took over as the US ambassador in late January,  succeeding David Satterfield, who had served as Washington's envoy to  Turkey since June 2019.

With an emphasis on Turkey's position in NATO, he said it is "an  important member of NATO, has been for 70 years. And so we have a lot  of shared interests there."

Turkey has "the second largest F-16 fleet" and is "the third largest  contributor in terms of NATO missions," said Flake, who conveyed US  Permanent Representative to NATO Julianne Smith's thanks to Turkey  for its role in the alliance.

On the Russia-Ukraine tensions, the US ambassador said, "Turkey has  been steadfast in its support of Ukrainian sovereignty" and Ankara  "shares our commitment to a diplomatic solution if we can have one.   They have supported that in a big way."

Flake further said that "with threats like we have right now in the  region in Ukraine, our relationship with Turkey is even more  important."

He also addressed the economic ties between Turkey and the US, which  he called "very important and increasingly important."

"Our trade relationship with Turkey is large and growing. We have  exchanges that are important. So there's so many things that are  vital and that we need to foster and improve on," Flake said.

"People tend to look at Turkey is just important in the security  realm, but it's extremely important in the economic space as well,"  the US ambassador said. "Last year we had about $28 billion in trade  that was a 28% increase over the year before."

He also said some $50 billion US investment in Turkey has created  about 100,000 jobs.

In 2021, Turkish exports to the US increased 45%, he said, hailing  Turkey for increasing its exports despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

With economic ties growing, Flake said, "we've set some ambitious  goals, the last administration of $100 billion in trade. That is an  ambitious goal, but when I meet with American businesses, and Turkish  businesses, they want to get there. And over time, I believe we can."

Drawing to education, Flake stated that Turkey is "a biggest  contributor of European students in the US, our 15th largest  contributor of students worldwide, and that's growing."

Some 170 Turkish students are studying in the US with the Fulbright  Scholar Program, he said, adding there are many other programs as  well.

"We love it when Turkish citizens come to the United States and  obviously Americans love to come here," he said.

On the Rome meeting last fall of Turkish and US presidents, Flake  said: "They established the strategic mechanism meant to encourage  high-level dialogue on areas that we work together on or perhaps we  don't exactly agree on, but high-level dialogue."

He also said "more high-level visits" are expected as the US is  looking "to make to take full advantage of this strategic mechanism."

Flake, who served in the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations,  said: "We dealt with Turkey a lot.  Because Turkey is a principal  ally of ours, but also an important player on the world stage."

Flake said negotiations are on track regarding the sale and  modernization of F-16 fighter jets.

"In fact, there was a delegation here just this past week as the  delegation here in December as well to help prepare what's called  "LoR" or a request for additional F-16s and modernization of F-16,"  he said.

Meanwhile, the US diplomat said compensation for Turkiye's payment  for F-35s is "a very complicated process."

Lawyers and accountants are working on the issue, he added.

The US sees Turkiye's request for new F-16s "very positive," Flake  said, as it shows Turkiye's "commitment to NATO."

"We obviously know that it's extremely important to have  interoperability. So that's a positive request."

About Turkiye's role in Afghanistan, he said the US hopes Turkey  "will play a role in Afghanistan's future and in terms of securing  the airport, for example, to connect Afghanistan to the world that  will benefit the citizens of Afghanistan and all of us."

Flake also welcomed the normalization process between Turkey and  Armenia.

"That's great as well. We welcome that. We've been very happy to see  the meetings happening. One in Russia, another one in Vienna coming  up. But it is really encouraging, what is going on. I believe there  are flights now going from Istanbul to Yerevan. That's a great sign."