Categories: 2022

Azerbaijani MP claims all Armenian PoWs returned after the war

PanArmenian, Armenia
Feb 22 2022

PanARMENIAN.Net - Azerbaijani lawmaker Soltan Mammadov has claimed in Yerevan that Baku has returned all the Armenian prisoners of war.

Mammadov and Tahir Mirkishili are currently participating in the meetings of the committees of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, which are being held in the Armenian capital.

Mammadov first thanked his Armenian colleagues for the "warm welcome", then went on to maintain in his speech several times that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is over.

According to him, all the detainees and prisoners of war were returned to Armenia "right after the war". The lawmaker went as far as to justify Azerbaijan's continued detention and torture of Armenian citizens with the argument that those people were captured after the war.

Hovik Karapetian: