Political scientist: There are no analogies between Donbass and Artsakh

Feb 23 2022
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo. There are no particular analogies in the situation between the recognition of  Donbass and Artsakh by Russia. In any case, I personally do not see  them.  Political scientist Stepan Danielyan expressed a similar  opinion to ArmInfo.

" The issue of the independence of Artsakh, its reorganization,  should have been resolved even before the truce of 1994 is reached,  at most even after that.  The issue of the independence of Artsakh,  its recognition, should have been resolved before the 1994 truce was  reached, at most even after that. However, we missed the very real  opportunities that existed at that time to achieve this recognition.  And after the 44-day war, a completely different geopolitical reality  has formed in our region. And the essence of the Artsakh issue has  been transformed into completely different realities," he stressed.

The political scientist connects the last circumstance with the loss  of actual control over Artsakh by Armenia. This is primarily due to  Yerevan's loss of functions to ensure the security of Artsakh. And  taking into account the provision of this security by Moscow, the  geopolitical processes around Artsakh today are controlled by the  Russian Federation, and not by Armenia.  In this light, Danielyan  noted that the very absence of any clear  reaction from Yerevan to  Moscow's recognition of the DPR and LPR is not surprising, since the  leadership of Armenia has long been simply unable to respond to  certain international events. The political scientist also stressed  that the lack of reaction, the silence of the Armenian authorities is  due to the fact that the country has actually lost its own  sovereignty.

On February 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed decrees  recognizing the independence of the LPR and the DPR. In addition, the  Russian leader, the heads of the LPR and DPR Leonid Pasechnik and  Denis Pushilin signed an agreement on friendship, cooperation and  mutual assistance. According to Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei  Rudenko, the agreements signed with the DPR and LPR allow the  deployment of Russian military bases in the Donbass. However, this  has not yet been discussed. In turn, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov  said that the Russian authorities guarantee the security of the  Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics in accordance with the  agreements signed with them.