Categories: 2022

Three factions of Artsakh NA made statement in connection with visit of Azerbaijani MPs to Armenia

Feb 23 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Three factions of the National Assembly of Artsakh issued a statement in connection with the visit of Azerbaijani deputies to Armenia. 

"Against the backdrop of deteriorating relations between the  parliaments of Armenia and Artsakh, the Prime Minister of the  Republic of Armenia is organizing a warm welcome for the Azerbaijani  MPs. Yesterday Nikol Pashinyan met with the Azerbaijani MPs who  arrived in Armenia within the framework of the Euronest Parliamentary  Assembly, and today these MPs thanked the Prime Minister RA Minister  for the warm welcome.

It is alarming that there is no information that real issues of  concern to the general public of the Republic of Artsakh were  discussed at this meeting: security, the return of Armenian prisoners  of war, the destruction of cultural property in the occupied  territories, the deterioration of human rights. In the current  situation, we consider it especially important to resume cooperation  between the legislative bodies of the two Armenian states through an  inter-parliamentary commission, where topical issues will be  discussed. Taking into account the events in our region, we call on  the Speakers of the National Assemblies of Artsakh and the Republic  of Armenia to urgently organize a meeting of the inter-parliamentary  commission," the statement of the three factions of the National  Assembly of the NKR – "Justice", "ARF-D" and "Democratic Party of  Artsakh" reads. 

Elizabeth Jabejian: