Categories: 2022

Avetik Chalabyan: Armenia finds itself in the maelstrom of new military threats

Armenia – Feb 24 2022

Armenia finds itself in the whirlpool of new military threats, public and political figure Avetik Chalabyan said on Thursday, referring to the Russian military operation against Ukraine.

“Regardless of the motives of the military actions, their possible outcomes and political leanings of each of us, this is a great tragedy. It could have enormous negative consequences for our entire region, even for the whole world,” he wrote on Facebook.

“Our war-torn country now finds itself in the maelstrom of new military threats. Each of us must realize the gravity of this moment, do everything possible to improve the security of our country and emerge from the possible new trials with minimal losses. May God bless us! Stay strong!” Chalabyan said.

Kevo Kalantarian: