"De facto, trilateral format of Russia-Azerbaijan-Turkey cooperation is already being formed ": Aliyev

Feb 24 2022
Naira Badalian

ArmInfo.A trilateral format of Russia-Azerbaijan-Turkey cooperation may be formed in the near future. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stated this at a meeting  with heads of Russian media at the TASS Chief Editors' Club  yesterday, TASS reports.

 "And, probably, it's no secret to anyone  that a de facto, the trilateral format of cooperation is already  being formed. It has not been formalized yet, there have not yet been  meetings of foreign ministers and presidents, but it is being formed.  It is being formed on the basis of common interests, pragmatism and  similarity," he said.

Aliyev pointed out the common features of the value systems of  government systems to which all three countries are committed. In  this regard, he noted with satisfaction the trusting relationship  between Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President  Vladimir Putin. "Both of them speak publicly about this. I think the  day will come soon, when we will formalize these relations. <…> For  our part, we have always worked to bring the interests of the two  countries closer together," the president stressed.  Aliyev stated,  that the Declaration on Allied Cooperation between Russia and  Azerbaijan signed on Tuesday a historic achievement. "Because  Azerbaijan has allied relations with two great countries, with two  neighbors, with  a member of NATO and the head of the CSTO. I think  no other country can boast of this, This is actually achievement," he  said.  

The declaration on allied interaction between Russia and Azerbaijan  was signed by the presidents of the two countries on Tuesday  following the talks in the Kremlin.