Moscow: The signing of the declaration between Azerbaijan and Russia does not pose any problems for Russian`s allied obligations to Armenia

Feb 26 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. Moscow proceeds from the fact that the signing of the declaration between Azerbaijan and Russia in no way poses any problems for the Russia's allied  obligations to Armenia in any direction. This was stated on February  25 during a weekly briefing by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman  Maria Zakharova, referring to the impact of the allied declaration  between Azerbaijan and Russia on Moscow's allied obligations to  Yerevan.

"We will comply with our obligations towards Yerevan, which is our  longtime, close ally. And in our opinion, the signing of the  declaration with Baku will strengthen precisely the trilateral  cooperation between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia, including on  security issues, economic and humanitarian cooperation in the  Transcaucasus. Moreover, we are constantly, including taking into  account the changed geopolitical realities in the region, updating  the bilateral legal framework with Armenia, which currently has about  300 documents", she said.

At the same time, Zakharova stressed that this declaration is not  directed against third countries, but rather aimed at strengthening  regional security. "We are discussing the subject of  military-political relations with both Baku and Ankara. You know our  position on this matter. At the same time, we have a common regional  platform for interaction – the <3 + 3> consultative platform, and  within its framework, in addition to Azerbaijan and Turkey, we  interact with Armenia, Iran and keep the door open for Georgia", the  Russian diplomat said, adding that Russia requires NATO to fulfill  its non-expansion commitments. However, she continued, no one is  against, while observing the generally recognized norms of not  ensuring one's own security at the expense of the security of other  countries, against military- technical cooperation between countries.

Regarding the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and, in  general, the normalization of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations,  Zakharova noted that paragraph 9 of the declaration on allied  cooperation with Azerbaijan contains a passage that the parties will  do everything possible to promote the implementation of the  provisions of the agreements between the leaders of Russia,  Azerbaijan and Armenia from November 9, 2020 and January 11, November  26, 2021. "And paragraph 10 states that the parties will cooperate in  solving the problems arising from the above agreements and work  closely in establishing long-term peace between the states of the  region. So, the adopted declaration works to strengthen regional  security. As for the position of the OSCE Minsk Group member states -  Russia, the United States and France, they are set out in joint  statements, and the last of them was issued on December 7, 2021>, the  diplomat summed up.

It should be noted that on February 22, the leaders of Russia and  Azerbaijan, Vladimir Putin and Ilham Aliyev, signed a declaration in  Moscow on the establishment of allied relations, consisting of 43  points. The Declaration on Allied Cooperation between the Russian  Federation and Azerbaijan notes that Moscow and Baku intend to  develop military- political cooperation that meets national interests  and is not directed against other countries.

The parties also agreed to provide each other with military  assistance if necessary. "In order to ensure security, maintain peace  and stability, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan  may consider the possibility of providing each other with military  assistance on the basis of the UN Charter, separate international  treaties and taking into account the existing international legal  obligations of each of the parties," the text of the declaration  says.

Russia and Azerbaijan intend to join forces in the fight against  international terrorism, cybercrime and other security challenges.   According to the document, Moscow and Baku will stop the activities  of individuals and organizations directed against the territorial  integrity of both countries.

Russia and Azerbaijan will consider opportunities for developing  cooperation in the field of peaceful atom, the declaration says. It  is also noted that Moscow and Baku, working closely to stimulate  international energy cooperation and strengthen global energy  security on an equal and mutually beneficial basis, intend to deepen  cooperation in the fuel and energy sector, including in the field of  exploration and development of oil and gas fields, transportation of  energy resources, including involvement of efficient infrastructure  projects, as well as in the areas of alternative and renewable energy  sources.

"Moscow and Baku will do everything possible to promote the  implementation of the agreements on the settlement of the situation  in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone," the declaration says. In  addition, Moscow and Baku are ready for urgent consultations if  something threatens the security interests of one of the parties. The  parties refrain from any actions that, in the opinion of one of the  countries, damage the strategic partnership and allied relations of  the two states, the document emphasizes. To this end, they "create a  permanent mechanism of consultations through the Ministries of  Foreign Affairs."

The declaration also notes that the parties interact in the field of  foreign policy in order to ensure stability and security in the  Caucasus and Caspian regions.

Russia and Azerbaijan also agreed to refrain from any economic  activity that causes direct or indirect damage to one of the  countries. According to the document, the countries intend to develop  cooperation in metallurgy, engineering, aviation, automotive,  chemical, pharmaceutical sectors, as well as in light industry,  agriculture, construction and road industries. The parties also  agreed to promote the use of national currencies in mutual  settlements and the integration of payment systems, including the  joint servicing of bank cards.