In Armenia, participants in second Artsakh war hold protest against friendship with Turks

Feb 21 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. A group of participants in the second Artsakh war blocked the road leading to the Zvartnots airport, the protesters against the arrival of the Azerbaijani delegation to Yerevan and against friendship with the Turks.

"We are against the arrival of the Turks in our country, we are against friendship with them. As of today, our servicemen, even in a sick state, are on duty to prevent the advance of the Turks, and here they decided to open the roads. We are against friendship with them, the blood of our brothers is not yet dry. All who stand for friendship with them are traitors," the protesters chanted.

The protesters also demand to close the Yerevan-Istanbul flight.  There was a scuffle between the protestors and the police officers.  Police officers pushed the protesters aside and unblocked the street.

It should be noted that an Azerbaijani delegation arrived in Yerevan today to take part in the work of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly. Members of the Milli Majlis as well as members of the Azerbaijani delegation to the Euronest PA Tair Mirkishili and Soltan Mammadov arrived in Yerevan.