Russia MFA: Declaration between Moscow and Baku does not contradict alliance between Russia and Armenia 
Armenia – Feb 25 2022

The declaration signed between Russia and Azerbaijan does not create any problems for the Russian alliance with Armenia, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

Her remarks came at a briefing in Moscow on Friday.

According to her, Moscow will comply with all its obligations towards Yerevan, which is a long-standing and close ally of Russia.

"We are convinced that the signing of the aforementioned declaration with Baku will strengthen trilateral cooperation between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia," Zakharova said.

The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman added that taking into account the changed geopolitical realities in the region, Russia constantly updates the bilateral treaty base with Armenia, which currently contains about 200 documents.

At the same time, the declaration signed by the presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan, according to Zakharova, works to strengthen regional security.

"As for the Karabakh settlement and the normalization of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations, the declaration itself on allied cooperation with Azerbaijan contains a passage that the parties will mutually facilitate efforts to implement the provisions of the agreements of the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia of November 9, 2020 as well as January 11 and November 26, 2021," the Russian Foreign Ministry representative noted.

She said that the 10th clause stipulates that the sides will cooperate in solving the tasks resulting from previously reached agreements and closely cooperate in establishing a long-term peace between the states of the region.

The Russian and Azerbaijani presidents signed a declaration on allied cooperation in Moscow on 22 February.