Categories: 2022

Signature campaign demanding Pashinyan’s resignation kicks off in Yerevan

Armenia – Feb 25 2022

Armenia’s Liberation Movement announced the launch of a signature campaign demanding Nikol Pashinyan’s resignation in Yerevan’s Yerablur Military Pantheon on Friday, February 25, marking the birthday anniversary of legendary Armenian commander Andranik Ozanian.

Nairi Hokhikyan, a member of the movement, says the campaign will extend to all regions of Armenia and Artsakh, adding Diaspora Armenians can also join it.

“We believe many people will take part in the signature campaign,” Hokhikyan told reporters, urging all political forces and organizations to join what he called the “national liberation struggle”.

Another Liberation Movement member Ara Zohrabyan, who heads the opposition Zartonk (Awakening) party, noted that many people voted for Nikol Pashinyan in the 2021 elections, hoping that Armenia would avoid war during his rule.

"They thought that there would be no war if Nikol Pashinyan was reelected. While a few months later that theory blew away; military operations took place on Armenian territory, we had casualties, Armenian soldiers were taken captive and have not been released to date,” Zohrabyan stressed.

According to him, instead Armenia is now faced with Azerbaijan's expansionist ambitions, which Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev does not even hide.

"It becomes clear that Nikol Pashinyan is not the guarantor of Armenia's security… We must be united and realize that Pashinyan is a bad leader, who can never restore the country’s dignity or lead it to victories,” Zohrabyan said, calling for joint efforts to remove the current government.

Antranik Varosian: