Categories: 2022

ECHR Grand Chamber to not consider complaints of Armenia and Azerbaijan

Armenia – March 8 2022

The Grand Chamber of the ECHR will not consider the complaints of Armenia and Azerbaijan against the decision of 2021 on the cases of Tavush residents Mamikon Khojoyan and Karen Petrosyan tortured in Azerbaijani captivity in 2014, 1lurer reported.

The complaints have not been admitted to proceedings. Judgments in these cases are to be executed. Earlier the ECHR obliged Azerbaijan to reimburse 40 thousand euros to each of the relatives of the victims, as well as to conduct a preliminary investigation involving the legal successors of the victims.

According to the ruling, the perpetrators must be identified and brought to justice. On 4 November, the court ruled against Azerbaijan, satisfying the Armenian side's complaint, finding violations of Khojoyan and Petrosyan's right to life, to freedom from torture. The Armenian side filed a complaint to the Grand Chamber to challenge the violation of the right to freedom from discrimination.

77-year-old Mamikon Khojoyan died a few days after his return from captivity. In captivity, he was subjected to violence.

Karen Petrosyan died in an Azerbaijani prison. The Azerbaijani authorities' version is that he died of heart failure. However, the facts speak of violent death.

Lilit Nahapetian: