PRESS RELEASE: German-Armenian Society ZOOM talk "Turkey-Armenia: Another normalization attempt with uncertain outcome?!"

German-Armenian Society
Contact: Dr. Raffi Kantian
E-mail: [email protected]


ZOOM talk on Wednesday, March 23, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. CET.

With Prof. Dr. Elke Hartmann, Free University of Berlin, and Dr. Günter
Seufert, German Institute for International and Security Affairs Berlin,
on "Turkey-Armenia: Another normalization attempt with uncertain outcome?!"

For participation registration is necessary. Interested parties are
kindly asked to send an e-mail with their first name, last name, and
affiliation by March 22 to [email protected].

The language of the event is German.

Additional information:

Prof. Dr. Elke Hartmann is head of the Institute for Ottoman Studies and
Turkology at Free University of Berlin. As a historian, she conducts
research on modernization processes, self-testimony, everyday history
and microhistory of the Ottoman eastern provinces, history of violence,
and genocide. Her publications include: "The Reach of the State.
Conscription and Modern Statehood in the Ottoman Empire 1869-1910,"
Paderborn 2016, and "Örmény élet az oszmán birodalomban" ("Armenian Life
in the Ottoman Empire"), Budapest 2021. Dr. Günter Seufert directs the
Center for Applied Turkish Studies of the German Institute for
International and Security Affairs Berlin. Previously, he reported as a
correspondent from Istanbul for German, Swiss and Austrian newspapers,
authored a number of studies on Turkey's social and economic
development. As a Visiting Associate Professor, he taught at the
University of Cyprus in Nicosia. At the Institute of the German Oriental
Society (DMG), he served as a lecturer and later as head of the Istanbul
Department. In 2015, the book he edited, "From the Seeds of Words, Texts
of the Turkish-Armenian Intellectual Hrant Dink," was published in its
2nd edition.

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