Categories: 2022

Artsakh Foreign Ministry slams provocative actions of Azerbaijan

Armenia –

The Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Artsakh denounced Azerbaijan’s recent provocations, which pose a threat to regional peace and stability. Below is the full statement released by the ministry on Thursday.

"On March 9 and 10, the Azerbaijani armed forces targeted the civilian population of Martuni region’s Khnushinak and Karmir Shuka villages and Askeran region’s Khramort village, employing large-caliber firearms, as a result of which one civilian was wounded.

In the night of March 8, the only gas pipeline leading to the Republic of Artsakh was damaged, depriving the entire territory of the country of gas supply. The damaged section is in the area under the control of the Azerbaijani armed forces. To date, the Azerbaijani side is hindering the repair of the gas pipeline, due to which the entire population of Artsakh is facing a range of humanitarian problems, which are especially severe due to the cold weather conditions.

During the past week, the adversary, through loudspeaker announcements, constantly urged the peaceful population of Khramort to leave the village, threatening the people with physical revenge.

Official Baku's policy is, as always, highly destructive. It grossly violates the principles of international law and humanity, represents in its essence a combination of Armenophobia, Nazism and terrorism.

The Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Artsakh strongly condemns the provocative actions of Azerbaijan, which are a threat to regional peace and stability, a blow to the Russian peacekeeping mission, a challenge to the civilized world, and should not be left unresponded.

The recent developments once again demonstrate the real intentions of Azerbaijan towards the Armenian people, Artsakh and its future.

The determination of the people of Artsakh to live in their homeland and defend it was, is and will remain unshakable."

Hambik Zargarian: