Categories: 2022

Artsakh Parliament statement: Azerbaijan aims to undermine Russian peacekeepers’ mission

Armenia –

Provocative actions of the military-political leadership of Azerbaijan are aimed to frighten the people of Artsakh and to undermine the mission of Russian peacekeepers, the statement of the Artsakh parliament said.

It also noted:

"In recent days, tensions in the border regions of Artsakh have taken on a new dimension. Azerbaijan is firing intensive mortars at the villages of Khramort, Nakhichevanik and Parukh of Askeran, and Khnushinak, Karmir Shuka and Tagavard of Martuni region.

The Artsakh Parliament condemns aggressive and terrorist actions of Azerbaijan, shelling of settlements of the Republic of Artsakh, psychological pressure on the peaceful population, obstruction of the repair of the only gas pipeline supplying the Republic with gas. Baku continues its policy of anti-Armenianism, undermining the fragile peace and stability in the region. This once again proves that Azerbaijan is not ready to establish lasting peace in the region. The Artsakh National Assembly calls on the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, the UN and its structures to give an adequate assessment to the actions of Azerbaijan and to make efforts to put an end to such criminal encroachments.

There is no alternative in this situation but to recognize the right of the people of Artsakh to independence," the statement reads.

Ani Basmajian: