Categories: 2022

EU discusses with Baku possibility of increasing Azerbaijani gas supplies to Europe

Armenia –

Azerbaijani Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov and EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Oliver Varhelyi have discussed the possibility of increasing the supply of Azerbaijani gas to Europe.

The meeting took place on the margins of the Diplomatic Forum in Antalya, local media reported quoting the Azerbaijani Ministry of Energy.

"Shahbazov and Varhelyi discussed the expansion of energy dialogue between Azerbaijan and the EU, as well as an increase in gas deliveries through the Southern Gas Corridor towards new markets."

It is noted that the parties also reached an agreement to continue a dialogue with the European Commission and Western Balkan countries to address issues arising from possible deliveries of Azerbaijani gas to the Western Balkans within the expansion of the Southern Gas Corridor.

Azerbaijan started supplying gas to Europe on 31 December 2020. In 2021, deliveries amounted to 8.2 bcm.

Bedik Zaminian: