The Izmirlian Foundation Continuous Supporting YSU Sarkis and Marie Izmirlian Library

The Izmirlian Foundation Continuous Supporting YSU Sarkis and Marie Izmirlian 

Recognizing the role and impact of academic institutions in supporting 
development agendas of countries in transition as well as the paramount 
importance of public access to information, communication and research 
infrastructure, the Izmirlian Foundation in cooperation with Yerevan State 
University (YSU) is scaling up the project on “Transforming YSU Sarkis and Marie 
Izmirlian Library Infrastructure” aiming to upgrade Sarkis and Marie Izmirlian 
Library facilities serving a large community of students and researchers, in 
line with international standards. 

Among the first large-scale initiatives implemented by the Izmirlian Foundation 
in Armenia was the support to the Yerevan State University Library in its 
technical and content enhancement. In 1996 the Foundation played a crucial role 
in the reconstruction and technical upgrade of the library building, which was 
later named in memory of Sarkis and Marie Izmirlian. In 2018, Izmirlian 
Foundation supported the reconstruction of the main lobby of Sarkis and Marie 
Izmirlian Library. In 2019, the Izmirlian Foundation in cooperation with Yerevan 
State University supported the capital renovation of the Philology reading hall 
of the library transforming it into a quality-learning environment as per 
international standards and making it accessible for people with disabilities. 
The library has around 16,000 readers and the renovation of the reading hall has 
significantly increased the flow of students currently hosting from 300 to 400 
people on a daily basis.

With this latest initiative, the Izmirlian Foundation in cooperation with 
Yerevan State University aims at fostering an enabling environment for improved 
information literacy, learning and social cohesion by rehabilitating and 
furnishing Sarkis and Marie Izmirlian Library reading hall of Exact Sciences. 

Project direct beneficiaries include students, professors, researchers of YSU 
faculty of Exact Sciences, and YSU other students as well as students from other 

The Izmirlian Foundation has been implementing numerous charitable and 
development projects in education, healthcare, social, innovation and tourism 
sectors in Armenia and Artsakh since 1990 with the aim of supporting the 
socio-economic development of Armenia and Artsakh. The Izmirlian Foundation 
remains committed to continuing to implement varied philanthropic projects 
moving forward in line with Armenia’s ongoing challenges and developments.