Armenia, Azerbaijan should work toward comprehensive settlement, EU special rep states

Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. In an interview Toivo Klaar, EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia, stated that a comprehensive  settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict requires negotiations and  reaching a state when peace is established in the South Caucasus. 

"And, of course, that means for all sides to sit down [at] the table  and start discussing, negotiating towards a comprehensive settlement.  Any developments that create tensions, when people are concerned  about safety – that does not help. So all such developments should  cease and we need to really make sure that there is de-escalation of  any situation. We have called also for de-escalation in the context  of the tensions that we had on the international border. And we  believe that Armenia and Azerbaijan need to work towards a  comprehensive settlement," Mr Klaar said. 

He pointed out that in his contacts with the Armenian and Azerbaijani  authorities he highlighted the importance of repairing the gas  pipeline and of de-escalation and stated his intention to address  this message to the Azerbaijani authorities.

"The European Union is not on the spot, but as soon as we are  informed people are feeling their safety is nit being guarantees, we  call on all sides to step back to make sure that the average person  be able to go about their lives and to feel safe in doing so," Mr  Klaar said.  As regards a need for repair of the damaged gas  pipeline, he said:

"My sincere hope is that this will happen in the near future. That is  what I can say and that is what I have been pushing through. I am  hopeful we can have success in the near future," Mr Klaar said.  

As regards the EU's position on the decision to normalize relations  by preparing a peace agreement, Mr Klaar pointed out that the EU and  the international community emphasizes a nee for a comprehensive  settlement of the conflict and welcomes any steps.  

"Certainly, the Azerbaijani proposal is important, likewise the  Armenian response to the Azerbaijani proposal. And the EU believes.  these moves result in discussions for a comprehensive settlement," Mr  Klaar said. 

As to the EU's expectations of the peace process between Yerevan and  Baku, he highlighted the importance of meetings between the to  countries' leaders. 

Several meetings took place in Europe, and the processes can produce  specific results.  

"We have deputy prime ministers' meetings over infrastructure  projects, and there are other potential avenues that can be pursued.  And there are small steps and larger steps, there are small stones  and larger stones that can be put on top of each other. I am hope  that results in Baku and Yerevan getting together and starting these  negotiations," Mr Klaar said.