Armenia has very particular position on Ukraine, and EU respects it, EU special rep states

Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.The EU is heavily engaged with the war in Ukraine, but that does not mean the EU is forgetting about its friends in the South Caucasus, Toivo Klaar, EU  Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in  Georgia, stated in an interview  

"And my mission here is the demonstration of that. For example, last  week, President [of the European Council Charles] Michel met with  Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan at the highest level, and the EU is  more than ever committed to working with our partners for a peaceful  and prosperous South Caucasus. So the message is very simple. We are  not going anywhere even if we are very much concerned about what is  happening in Ukraine. Wee are here, in the South Caucasus, to support  our friends," Mr Klaar said.  

Asked about the EU expectations of Armenia's position on Ukraine, Mr  Klaar said that the EU realizes it is a challenging situation in  Armenia. 

"We appreciate all the efforts that Armenia has made and is making  and we are in close contact with the Armenian authorities. We  recognize that Armenia has very particular position, and we respect  it," Mr Klaar said.