Categories: 2022

Azerbaijan protests European Parliament resolution on destruction of Armenian cultural heritage in occupied territories


After long deliberations in Azerbaijan, the latter has decided to protest the European Parliament resolution on the destruction of Armenian cultural heritage in the Azerbaijani-occupied territories.

The Azerbaijan State Committee for Work with Religious Associations has adopted a statement which was sent to the European Parliament, APA news agency reported.

The statement strongly condemns the "biased" resolution which "openly supports aggressive separatism, including attempting to give legal significance to the Armenianization of Azerbaijani historical, religious, and cultural heritage."

The statement alleges that the aforesaid resolution was prepared "under the influence of Armenian lobby groups, does not reflect the real situation, contains false claims of Armenians amid the Azerbaijani side’s real historical and religious treatment—including of tombstones."

"The State Committee has once again strongly condemned the European Parliament's attempts to disseminate biased information based on Armenian sources, and called for the adoption of objective resolutions in the future," APA added.

To remind, however, that despite these allegations, Azerbaijan obstructs the visits of international organizations—including of UNESCO—to the Azerbaijani-occupied territories, as well as destroys and "Aghvanizes" the monuments of Armenian cultural heritage in those territories.

Lara Chatinian: