Categories: 2022

Armenia opposition MP: Azerbaijan will use statements of lawmaker Aghajanyan, FM Mirzoyan

Armenia –

The opposition "Armenia" and "With Honor" Factions had applied to the National Assembly (NA) leadership with a proposal to convene a special sitting of the interparliamentary committee of the parliaments of Armenia and Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)—which is being delayed. "Armenia" Faction Gegham Manukyan MP told about this to reporters in the NA Friday, reminding that the aforesaid committee that was set up in October 2021 has not convened a full meeting yet.

And reflecting on their recent visit to Artsakh, Manukyan noted as follows, in particular: "It was an ‘electrified’ atmosphere—taking into account both the controversial statements of Armenia’s Foreign Minister [Ararat Mirzoyan] and the statements of Eduard Aghajanyan, Chair of the NA [Standing] Committee on Foreign Relations, which are dangerous, go beyond all logic. Naturally, this cannot but have an effect on our compatriots in Artsakh."

Manukyan noted that several years ago, Former president of Azerbaijan Ayaz Mutalibov had stated that the Popular Front of Azerbaijan had organized the tragic events in Khojaly, and the Armenian side has been using this as an argument to this day.

"Now the Azerbaijani side will use the statements of Eduard Aghajanyan and Ararat Mirzoyan," the opposition MP added.

Parkev Tvankchian: