Armenia`s former human rights defender reports four incursions into Armenia`s territory by Azerbaijani troops

Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.The Azerbaijani troops have until now made four incursions into Armenia's territory, Armenia's former human rights defender Arman Tatoyan. 

According to him, the Azerbaijani troops have made incursions into  the following Armenian territories: the village of Nerqin Khand,  Syunik region, in March, 2022; the Vardenis community, Gegharkunik  region, in May 2021; Goris, Syunik region, May 2021; the borderland  near the village of Tsav, Syunik region, October, 2020.  

"We must not forget the incursion into the part of the Tsav and take  it into account in all the actions. The Azerbaijani armed forces'  illegal presence on he Goris-Kapan and Kapan-Chakaten roads  (November- December, 2020), as well as illegal blocking of the roads  (since November 2021).   

"We must not forget that since November 2020 Azerbaijani troops have  been present in the vicinities of Armenian villages, and often in the  lands and houses Armenian citizens have legally owned since the  Soviet times, as well as in the communal lands and houses," Mr  Tatoyan said.