Categories: 2022

Locals say 11 Armenians killed in Ukraine since beginning of war

PanARMENIAN.Net - 11 Armenians have been killed in Ukraine since the beginning of Russia's invasion on February 24, according to local Armenian organizations.

According to the Union of Armenians of Ukraine, 26-year-old Artem Ayvazyan died in Kharkov on March 1. He was a volunteer, helping those in need in his city, delivering food and medicine to them.

Deputy Chairman of the Union David Mkrtchyan has said that among the dead Armenians eight civilians and three soldiers have been killed in Kherson, Chonhar and Mariupol.

Before the war, about 350,000 Armenians lived in Ukraine. However, it is still unknown how many of them have managed to leave the country in the past three weeks. Mkrtchyan said that they are now trying to understand how many Armenians are still in Ukraine, but the country's border service is overloaded with work

About 4,000 Ukrainian citizens have moved to Armenia since the beginning of the war, Denis Avtonomov, the Ukrainian Chargé d’Affaires in Armenia, was cited as saying on March 18. Avtonomov said that most of them are ethnic Armenians, many have relatives and family here and rarely turn to the Embassy for help. The diplomat added that a certain number of ethnic Ukrainians has also escaped to Armenia.

Emma Nadirian: