Categories: 2022

Armenpress: Government issues 2021 defense sector report

Government issues 2021 defense sector report



 10:48, 16 March, 2022

YEREVAN, MARCH 16, ARMENPRESS. The structures of the military units of military bases, army corps and formations were revised in the direction of defense and border security, the Armenian government’s 2021 performance report on the defense sector said.

The works directed at equipping military positions, improving conditions for active duty and the safety of servicemembers continued during the year.

With the purpose of adjusting the level of defensibility to the level of predicted potential military threats, the possible nature of military operations were defined, structural changes were implemented, new objectives were set for troops and comprehensive logistical works were carried out. The 2021-2025 concept for conscription and mobilization preparation was developed.

According to the report, the following actions were carried out in the border troops in 2021:

The preliminary military training for conscripts was organized and implemented; the training programs of servicemembers of all units of the border troops were improved; the number of personnel was increased, structural changes were made, construction and renovation of temporary deployment locations, infrastructures and border roads were implemented; temporary border posts and observation posts were equipped; barbed wire fence and other fences were constructed in various areas adjacent to the border with the purpose of preventing the movement of domesticated animals into the territory of the adjacent state; 55 signs, 51 modular houses and surveillance systems were installed in the border layer; border troops units were equipped with unmanned aerial vehicles, computer equipment, surveillance devices and monitors and personnel and cargo vehicles, as well as other special vehicles; the construction of border troop posts in 8 villages in Syunik commenced, and 50% of the work was completed.

Surveillance systems were installed in combat positions and posts. Communication was set up and improved in combat posts and military positions, new transmitter stations were installed, mainly to ensure the radio-networks of the military bases, formations, intelligence and air defense troops deployed in new borderlines. The equipment of military positions was updated and the quality of all standard-issue items for servicemembers was increased.

The minimum timeframe for signing up for voluntary military service was changed from 5 to 12 months.

Moreover, a rifle company for women servicemembers was formed to increase the involvement of women in the military.

Construction of Permanent Deployment Locations, Weaponry Replenishments:

With the purpose of raising the level of security of strategic facilities and infrastructure, the construction of permanent deployment locations using light metal frames commenced in new borderlines. The construction of permanent deployment locations is ongoing.

New weapons systems and other equipment acquired in 2021 include: helicopters, drones, rocket-artillery systems, anti-tank systems, artillery, communication and engineering measures, firearms, armored vehicles, automobile equipment, air defense systems and artillery radio-locating stations. New software-technical measures were installed to ensure network security as part of ensuring the security of information and cyber infrastructure.

With the purpose of increasing the social protection of servicemembers and their families:

Qualified mortgage loan agreements were signed with 384 participants with the purpose of acquiring or building homes. 7,3 billion drams in mortgage loans were issued.

340 servicemembers received a total of 770 million dram in government support through the donation of the 10% prepayment of their apartments.

421 beneficiaries received government support totaling 248 million drams through the subsidization of the 3% of interest rates.

The report also mentions that in 2021 the National Security Service uncovered 8 cases of high treason and espionage, with 26 suspects under investigation in 8 different criminal cases.

Hovik Karapetian: