Ararat Mirzoyan: OSCE Minsk Group conveyed Armenia`s proposals on a peace agreement to the Azerbaijani side

Armenia –
Alina Hovhannisyan

ArmInfo.The 5 principles presented by Azerbaijan on the peace treaty with Armenia do not contain anything unacceptable for Armenia. Minister of Foreign  Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan stated, answering the questions of  the parliamentarians from the rostrum of the National Assembly.

In this regard, he stressed that these proposals were supplemented by  Armenia, since the provisions of the Azerbaijani side did not affect  all important issues on the bilateral agenda, and were submitted to  the OSCE Minsk Group. According to Ararat Mirzoyan, the OSCE Minsk  Group has already sent an amended version of the proposals to  Azerbaijan. Speaking about the announced conditions of the Armenian  side, Mirzoyan stressed that the guarantee of the rights and status  of Artsakh is fundamental.

At the same time, the minister drew attention to the fact that  military operations in Ukraine complicated the work of the OSCE Minsk  Group. However, he considered it encouraging that the international  community continues to see the solution of the Artsakh issue within  the framework of the mandate of the OSCE Minsk Group.

"We continue to make efforts to organize discussions, including on  the principles proposed by Armenia for signing a peace treaty with  Azerbaijan," he said.

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry published proposals of 5 points sent  to Yerevan, which are the principles of a peace treaty with Armenia.  This includes, in particular, the following proposals:

– mutual recognition by states of sovereignty, territorial integrity,  inviolability of state borders and political independence of each  other;

– mutual confirmation by states of the absence of territorial claims  to each other and their acceptance of a legal obligation not to make  such claims in the future;

– refrain from threatening each other's security in international  relations, using threats and force against political independence and  territorial integrity, as well as other circumstances that do not  correspond to the purposes of the UN Charter;

– delimitation and demarcation of the state border, establishment of  diplomatic relations;

– opening transport links and communications, establishing other  relevant communications and cooperation in other areas of mutual  interest." The opposition criticized these actions of the Armenian  Foreign Ministry, recalling that the OSCE Minsk Group does not have a  mandate to negotiate the normalization of Armenian-Azerbaijani  bilateral relations.