Armenia`s former human rights defender severely critical of Ministry of Defense

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Armenia's former Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan is concerned over the video prepared by Armenia's Ministry of Defense, which justifies the Azerbaijani  criminal actions in Armenia's territory.  

"The wording obviously proves political reasons behind that, to  preclude political discontent and conceal Azerbaijani incursion into  the village of Nerqin Hand, Kapan community, from our society.  This  statement by the Ministry of Defense is most reprehensible, as it is  a disregard for the security and fundamental rights of the residents  in the borderland.

"The facts prove that most of the pastures, cultivable lands,  residential areas and cemeteries are now easy targets for  Azerbaijan," Mr Tatoyan's statement reads. 

"According to the explanation by the Ministry of Defense, are  Azerbaijani troops expected to stand near each house for the village  to be considered under surveillance? What approach to security is it?  What else could legitimate Azerbaijani crimes and justify the  disregard for people's security?

"However hard we insist, at the international level, that the  Azerbaijani armed forces must be forced out of our villages, the  Azerbaijani side will take advantage of the video released by the  Ministry of Defense of March 21 as well as of the previous statements  and claim that their troops are just deployed near Nerqin Hand and do  not cause any trouble or security problems to the people. Therefore,  the explanation by the Ministry of Defense is illegal and cannot  serve as a basis for ensuring the Armenian population's security,  defense of Armenia's territorial integrity and sovereignty," the  statement reads.