Categories: 2022

Forecast: The Union State will lead to the loss of Armenia`s sovereignty and territories

Armenia –
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo.Hypothetical membership in the still hypothetical Union State will lead to the loss of not only Armenia's sovereignty, but also new territories. Leader of the  "Republic" party, former Prime Minister of Armenia Aram Sargsyan,  expressed a similar opinion to ArmInfo.

"We have already gone through all of this once, with all the relevant  consequences. Accordingly, today the Armenian people must first of  all rely on themselves, namely, on the combined potential of the  Armenians of the whole world. It is necessary to make every possible  effort towards achieving consolidation around common for all  Armenians' goals and only then, of course, to harmonize Armenia's  foreign and economic policy through its diversification towards  democratic, technologically advanced states," he stressed.

Commenting on the current situation, the politician expressed the  opinion that Turkey, with the support of Russia, is today trying to  force Armenia to sign the peace agreement proposed by Azerbaijan.  While the US and the EU continue to consider the establishment of the  status of Artsakh within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group as a  means of achieving peace in the South Caucasus.

In the light of the latest "gas" games of Baku, Sargsyan recalled  that these and other problems caused by Azerbaijan, according to the  document dated November 9, 2020, will first of all have to be solved  by Russian peacekeepers. And the fact that for a whole week the  Russian military were unable to finally restore the gas supply to  Artsakh, were unable to approach the pipe on neutral territory, in  his opinion, speaks of their unwillingness to resolve this issue.

"One call from Foreign Minister Lavrov would be enough for Baku to  restore the gas supply to Artsakh.  Even in the current geopolitical  situation. But if Moscow wants to resolve this issue, but cannot,  then this becomes a reason for drawing completely different  conclusions in Armenia" , he emphasized.  Commenting on the reasons  for the current aggressive behavior of the Aliyev regime towards  Artsakh and on the borders with Armenia, Sargsyan conditioned it by  the desire of the dynastic ruler of Azerbaijan to keep the Armenian  people in a state of anxiety and tension in order to snatch as many  concessions from Armenia as possible during the upcoming  negotiations. In any case, the politician does not believe that at  this stage, Aliyev is able to transform the tension he is whipping up  into full-scale military operations. First of all, due to the fact  that by doing so he will deal a final, already mortal blow to the  reputation of the Russian Federation, with all the attendant  consequences. 

Adrine Hakobian: