Categories: 2022

Issues voiced by residents of Tsovagyugh and Semenovka communities of Gegharkunik region are in focus of attention of RA HRD

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. The issues voiced by the residents of Tsovagyugh and Semenovka communities of Gegharkunik region are in the focus of attention of the Human Rights Defender (RA). This is stated in the statement of the office of the RA Human  Rights Defender.  

The message received by ArmInfo notes that the Human Rights Defender  and representatives of the Gegharkunik regional department of the HRD  were informed about the problems voiced by the residents of the  abovementioned communities at today's protest action.

"Today, from the very first moment of blocking the road by residents  and until now, we are closely following the voiced demands and are in  direct contact with representatives of the Ministry of Territorial  Administration, Infrastructure and Gegharkunik region.  Representatives of the HRD are also in touch with individual  residents on the spot.  The Human Rights Defender will continue to  keep the issues raised by the residents in the field of his immediate  attention, will contribute to resolving the situation within his  competence," the RA Human Rights Defender  said in a statement.  

It should be noted that today, March 23, residents of the villages of  Tsovagyugh and Semenovka of the enlarged community of Sevan blocked  the Yerevan-Sevan highway and demanded a meeting with the Minister of  Territorial Administration and Infrastructures of Armenia Gnel  Sanosyan.  The villagers are against the enlargement of the  communities. In this regard, they demand that Sanosyan come  personally and solve their problems. The protesters say that the road  will be closed until Sanosyan himself arrives. Residents of the  community also asked for forgiveness from all citizens who suffered  today as a result of the road closure. "Our war is not with the  government, our war is with Sanosyan. Let him come personally and we  will open the road," the protesters said, noting that Sanosyan had  already deceived them earlier. Sanosyan has not yet responded to the  demand, the road continues to be blocked.  It should be noted that  the residents of Semyonovka and Tsovagyugh on December 5, 2021,  boycotted the elections to local governments. It is also worth noting  that the inhabitants of the Armenian villages in the majority opposed  the enlargement of communities, assuring that this would lead to a  new outflow of the population. However, the opinion of the villagers  was ignored. 

Hambik Zargarian: