Riot of Baku-style imagination: Is the gas supply of Nagorno-Karabakh an internal affair of Azerbaijan?

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Gas supply to Nagorno-Karabakh is an internal affair of Azerbaijan. Such an odious statement was made today by the head of the press service of the  Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, Leyla Abdullayeva, who thus apparently  decided to justify the humanitarian terror perpetrated by the  Azerbaijani authorities against the civilian population of  Nagorno-Karabakh.

"The Armenian Foreign Ministry tried a few days ago to interfere in  the internal affairs of Azerbaijan regarding the participation of  international organizations in an event held in Azerbaijan (in the  Armenian Shushi, occupied by Azerbaijan, ed. note) a few days ago,  and now it is trying to interfere in the internal affairs of  Azerbaijan on a different topic,"  Abdullayeva noted, reacting to the  statement of the Armenian Foreign Ministry regarding the need to  resume gas supply to Artsakh.

Considering this scandalous statement as insufficient, the Baku  diplomat decided, for reliability, to accuse Armenia of being  unconstructive and spreading unfounded allegations. As if it is not  Azerbaijan since March 8 that has been terrorizing the population of  Artsakh by opening and closing the gas pipeline valve, but Armenia.

And in conclusion, she also decided to make "recommendations" to  Armenia to ensure the implementation of its obligations under the  tripartite statements, "including the withdrawal of the remnants of  the armed forces located in the region", and thereby contribute to  regional peace and security, and not act with unsubstantiated claims.

At the same time, Abdullayeva for some reason forgot that the only  one who does not fulfill the agreements under these conditions is  Baku, which not only, in violation of the 8th paragraph of these  statements, holds Armenian prisoners of war and civilians hostage,  but also prevents the assessment mission from arriving in the region  UNESCO, as well as the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group. And in  parallel with this, the Azerbaijani military is invading the  sovereign territories of the Republic of Armenia day by day,  capturing more and more new areas.  Moreover, taking into account  this statement of official Baku, one can assume what fate awaits the  Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh if they suddenly will be under the  jurisdiction of Azerbaijan. After all, the Karabakh liberation  movement was started in 1988 not from the good life of Armenians in  the NKAR.  And then, the Azerbaijani authorities humiliated and  terrorized the Armenian population in every possible way, did  everything so that they left their homes and left Nagorno-Karabakh.  This policy continues today.  And the entire civilized world turns a  blind eye to these egregious actions of the Azerbaijani authorities -  petrodollars and energy resources have eclipsed their brains and  clouded their eyes.

It should be noted that since March 21, the population of Artsakh has  been deprived of gas again. " As a result of the direct intervention  of the Azerbaijani side, the gas supply to the Artsakh Republic was  again disrupted. We have sufficient grounds to claim that during the  repair works of the gas pipeline exploded on March 8, the Azerbaijani  side installed a valve, through which it disrupted the gas supply  hours ago.  Azerbaijan uses the unfavorable weather conditions to  create additional humanitarian problems for our population and makes  a criminal action.  The command of the Russian peacekeeping force  stationed in Artsakh was immediately informed about the situation,  together with which the Artsakh authorities are making appropriate  efforts to restore gas supply.  At the same time, we urge citizens to  use electricity as sparingly as possible to avoid possible power  outages," the Artsakh Information Headquarters said in a statement.   The situation has not yet been resolved. More than 100,000 people  freeze in their homes in Artsakh amid the inaction of the  international community.