Categories: 2022

Armenia opposition MP: Azerbaijan gradually expanding its opportunities for pressure on Artsakh

Armenia –

Azerbaijan is gradually expanding its opportunities for pressure on Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)—and this is not limited to the suspension of the natural gas supply. Tigran Abrahamyan, an MP from the opposition "With Honor" Faction in the National Assembly (NA) of Armenia and a security expert, stated about this during Thursday’s press briefings in the NA.

According to him, talking about all the challenges and threats is unproductive at this phase.

The lawmaker, however, admitted that alarming processes are taking place around Artsakh.

"The way out of the current situation is not being discussed yet," Abrahamyan said.

As for the current suspension of natural gas supply to Artsakh, the MP called it a "humanitarian catastrophe."

According to him, these disruptions in natural gas supply have caused a chain reaction and had a negative impact on the lives of the Armenians of Artsakh.

"If the issue of heating is pushed to the background after the warming of the weather, the negative effect on the economy and industry will only continue to intensify," Tigran Abrahamyan added.

Lilit Nahapetian: