Categories: 2022

Artsakh people to international community: We exist and we want peace for our children on our own land

Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Protests were held in Yerevan and Stepanakert in connection with the inhumane actions of Azerbaijan against the civilian population of Nagorno-Karabakh.

So, today, on March 24, children and women gathered in front of the  children's hospital in Stepanakert, who protested in connection with  the inhumane actions of Azerbaijan, which has been terrorizing the  civilian population since March 8, by obstructing the gas supply to  Nagorno-Karabakh.

"Dear friends, what is happening now in Artsakh can only be called a  humanitarian catastrophe. Deliberate damage and blocking with illegal  installation of a gas pipeline valve on harsh, snowy days, leaving  the civilian population without heat, is an act of terrorism. If not  us, ordinary citizens, then who instead of us will inform the world  about how the Azerbaijani authorities are mocking the people of  Artsakh? We have gathered here and are holding a peaceful rally for  the right to life in our own home. We want to show the world with  this protest action that we exist and we want peace for our children  in own land," the participants of the rally said.

The participants of the peaceful rally also recalled that the  population of Artsakh has the same rights as the population of other  states, which is stated in the UN Charter. In this vein, an appeal  was made to the international community to take steps to curb the  aggressive actions of Azerbaijan.

At the same time, a similar action was held in Yerevan in front of  the UN office building. The protesters demanded that the UN stop the  policy of double standards and respond to the humanitarian crisis in  Artsakh, caused by the fact that Azerbaijan cut off the gas supply to  Nagorno-Karabakh.  The protesters came with banners "Warm the  children of Artsakh", "Right to a safe life", "Aliyev terrorist",  etc

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