Categories: 2022

What is going on in Artsakh villages of Parukh and Khramort?

Armenia –

Russian peacekeepers are now negotiating with Azerbaijanis who entered the village of Parukh in Artsakh's Askeran province, Vardan Mkhitaryan, the head of Parukh village, told NEWS.am.

"We quickly evacuated people, there were roads, we passed through them. They entered the village from different sides without shooting, forming a chain. The positions of the Azerbaijanis are 1 kilometer away from our village," Mkhitaryan said.

The head of Khramort village, Zorik Abrahamyan, did not answer our questions. "The situation is not good," he said.

Artsakh Information Center has spread a message which says: "According to the situation as of 4:00 pm on 24 March, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces have violated the line of contact in the direction of Parukh village of Askeran. The representatives of the Defense Army and Russian peacekeepers deployed in the Republic of Artsakh are trying to stop the further advance of the enemy through negotiations and return them to their initial positions. The women and children of the Khramort community of Askeran district are being evacuated for security reasons. We urge the population to remain calm, and the situation in all other sections of the line of contact is stable for the moment."

Ani Basmajian: