Yerevan proposes withdrawal of troops at Yeraskh section to Baku

Naira Badalian

ArmInfo.Yerevan is awaiting a response to the proposal for a reciprocal withdrawal of troops at the Yeraskh section, Armenia's Premier Nikol Pashinyan stated at a  Cabinet meeting on Thursday.  

In the context of the global and international tensions, he said: "We  are responsible for defusing these tensions and finding fundamental  solutions. In this context, we believe that Armenian-Azerbaijani  peace talks must be started as soon as possible. We should point out  a need to speed up the border demarcation and delimitation and steps  to enhance border security and stability," Mr Pashinyan said. 

He recalled the proposal for reciprocal withdrawal of troops based on  the de jure borderline between Soviet Armenia and Azerbaijan. 

"Besides, we also proposed local withdrawal and are now waiting for  Azerbaijan's answer. Specifically, at the Yeraskh section we proposed  reciprocal withdrawal from several positions. Thus, we will resolve  the problem of the hottest spots in the last year and a half. As I  have said, we are waiting for Azerbaijan's response," Mr Pashinyan  said.  After a number of recent events, Yerevan cannot understand if  Baku wants unblocking of regional communications. 

"If so, our proposal hold good and we are ready to put them into  practice at any moment. I have on several occasions spoken of the  Armenian Crossroads project, but I do not see a need to go into  details now," Mr Pashinyan said. 

On March 17, the invitation of pre-qualifying tenders for the  construction of the Sisian-Kajaran section of the North-South  motorway was announced. 

Mr Pashinyan stated that discussions on unblocking regional  communications resulted in the North-South project being reorganized  into the North-South-East-West project. Armenia's premier hopes the  project will be implemented in a short period.

"It means that one of the byways of the North-South-East-West  motorway, or the Armenian Crossroads, will connect Armenia with Iran,  another byway will connect Armenia with Azerbaijan and, later,  Nakhichevan with Turkey. We hope to find a construction company by  the end of this year. The design stage of East-West project has not  yet been completed, but we will promptly complete it under political  agreements," Mr Pashinyan said.