Azeri advance took place in area of responsibility of Russian peacekeepers – MP




YEREVAN, MARCH 25, ARMENPRESS. The Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Armenian Parliament Eduard Aghajanyan announced that the territories which went under Azerbaijani control as a result of the March 24-25 events were in the area of responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping forces. He said that they expect clear answers from Russian colleagues on how these events happened.

Speaking at a press conference, Aghajanyan emphasized that Azerbaijan is consistently carrying out a policy of depriving the Armenians of Artsakh from the right to live in their own homeland and that the latest events are yet another manifestation of ethnic cleansing against the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh which is happening since the conflict began.

“In the recent period, in the post-war period, this process took a unique and practical shape, about which the Armenian government has numerously alarmed and informed the international community. An assessment to this process was numerously given by the Armenian foreign ministry, the prime minister, and Members of Parliament, particularly the members of the foreign relations committee,” Aghajanyan said.

Aghajanyan accused Azerbaijan in again violating the November 9 trilateral agreement.

“In this given case it is the violation of the clause under which the sides are obliged to stop hostilities, remain in their positions, and Russian peacekeepers were to be deployed on that borderline, who were deployed,” he added.

Aghajanyan said the area where the events happened is in the area of responsibility of the Russian peacekeepers.

“Here our main question and work is with our Russian colleagues. We must understand under what circumstances this advance happened, because as a result of the advance the Azerbaijani military appeared in the rear of the Russian peacekeepers, meaning they bypassed them. I repeat, this, according to the respective clause of the November 9 trilateral statement, is the area of responsibility of the Russian peacekeepers, therefore we expect to receive clear answers from our Russian colleagues on how this happened. We expect that this issue will be solved in the shortest period of time and that the Azerbaijani armed forces will return to their initial positions from where the advance took place,” Aghajanyan said.