Artsakh State Minister: The Russian side has made significant efforts to ensure the ceasefire regime in its area of responsibility

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. From noon on March 25 to the morning of March 26, the situation and positions along the line of contact of Artsakh did not change, and the Azerbaijani armed forces remain in the village of Parukh and on one side of the adjacent Karaglukh height, and a short while ago they made an unsuccessful attack attempt against our military unit. This is stated in the statement of the State Minister of the Republic of Artsakh Artak Beglaryan.


At the same time, he noted that the Artsakh Armed Forces are taking appropriate precautionary and containment measures to neutralize possible threats. "Yesterday, we had 3 killed and 15 wounded serviceman from Azerbaijani UAV strikes, the Azerbaijani side also suffered significant losses.


Strongholds of Russian peacekeepers continue to operate in Parukh and Khramort, and the Russian side has made significant efforts to ensure a ceasefire regime in its zone of responsibility. We hope that through Russian efforts, the Azerbaijani troops will be withdrawn to their starting positions and will no longer allow violations against the security of the people of Artsakh and the guarantees of the Russian Federation.


We stand firmly in our Motherland and are ready to face various challenges," the statement said.


In turn, the Artsakh Defense Army refuted the statements of the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry. "The message spread by the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan about an alleged attempt of sabotage by units of the Defense Army of the Republic of Artsakh is an absolute lie, pursuing a primitive goal to hide their own provocations," the Artsakh Defense Army stressed.


It is noteworthy that today a number of telegram channels spread information that allegedly the order to withdraw the Armenian troops came from the commander of the Artsakh Autonomous Region on direct instructions from Yerevan.


Meanwhile, as it became known to ArmInfo from its own sources familiar with the situation, according to the agreements reached, there was no observation post of Russian peacekeepers in Parukh.  Moreover, the Armed Forces of the Artsakh Defense Army arbitrarily left their positions on this section of the line of contact due to unfavorable weather conditions and poor equipment of the posts, which was used by the Azerbaijani military. The peacekeepers arrived at this section of the line of contact only after the spread of information that control over the Armenian positions was taken by Azerbaijani forces.