Southern Calif. Armenian Democrats Call On Democratic Party of Orange County to Hold Irvine Mayor Farrah Khan Accountable

Screenshots of a video of Irvine Mayor Farrah Khan, L.A. Turkish Consulate Can Oguz, and Armenian Genocide denier Ergun Kirlikovali laughing and joking about making “Armenians disappear”

GLENDALE—Following the video of Irvine Mayor Farrah Khan meeting with L.A. Turkish Consulate Can Oguz, well-known Armenian Genocide denier Ergun Kirlikovali, and others in November 2020, laughing and joking about making “Armenians disappear” during the Artsakh War, Southern CA Armenian Democrats (SCAD) the first and most prominent Armenian American Democratic Club in California and the U.S. calls on Democratic Party of Orange County & Democratic leaders to hold Irvine Mayor Farrah Khan accountable in a written letter below:

March 23, 2022

Dear Democratic Party of Orange County Chair Ada Briceño,

We were recently made aware by Armenian-Americans in Orange County of a November 2020 meeting that Irvine’s Democratic Mayor Farrah Khan had with Mr. Ergun Kirlikovali, LA Turkish Consul General Can Oğuz, and others where Mayor Khan and Mr. Kirlikovali positively acknowledge, with dark humor, the pleasure of making Armenians “disappear.”

Armenian-American Democrats are as appalled by what happened in the meeting as all should be. Making jokes and laughing at the systematic and brutal annihilation of an entire race is reprehensible under any circumstance. In a civil society such intolerance towards victims of crimes— and especially crimes against humanity—should not be tolerated under any circumstances.

The government of Turkey has an official position of denial of the Armenian Genocide. Mr. Kirlikovali, who Mayor Khan has appointed to a Mayoral committee, is well known as America’s most notorious denier of the Armenian Genocide, yet at that meeting, Mayor Khan pledged to “stand with [the Genocide denialist group] no matter what.” On social media, Mr. Kirlikovali has confirmed that the substance of the joke was, indeed, Genocide denial.

We understand that Mayor Khan is being considered for endorsement by the Democratic Party of Orange County. We urge you and your county party to condemn her actions as soon as possible, and certainly refrain from supporting a Democrat who is communicating such hate to a part of her own community while supporting Armenian Genocide denialists. 

California’s Democratic Lieutenant Governor, Eleni Kounalakis, canceled a meeting with Mr. Kirlikovali because he is a genocide denialist or sympathizer. “I was deeply disturbed to hear that the upcoming U.S. Turkish Business Council meeting would feature panelists who are Armenian Genocide deniers,” Kounalakis said. “Now and always, California stands strong on the side of truth and justice for this still-unpunished crime.”

The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, supported and acted on broader divestment of our public funds from the Turkish Republic due to their ongoing denial of the Armenian Genocide and horrendous human rights record. As he has stated for every April 24 Armenian Genocide Remembrance as Governor, “Let us recommit ourselves to making certain that we never forget the Armenian Genocide, and that we always speak out against hatred and atrocities anywhere they occur.” This must include condemning Mayor Farrah Khan’s hateful actions and statements.

We urge you and the Democratic Party of Orange County to condemn these hateful statements, and to not support or endorse Mayor Khan.


Leonard Manoukian
President, Southern California Armenian Democrats

Dr. Armond Aghakhanian
Founder and Honorary President, Southern California Armenian Democrats
Member, Burbank Unified School District Board of Education

Dr. Kevork Abazajian
Orange County Director, Southern California Armenian Democrats

cc: California Democratic Party Chair, Rusty Hicks; State Controller Betty Yee; Congresswoman Katie Porter; Congressman Lou Correa; Congressman Mike Levin; State Senator Tom Umberg; State Senator Dave Min; Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris; O.C. Supervisor Katrina Foley

Southern California Armenian Democrats (SCAD) is the first and the most prominent Armenian American Democratic Club in California and U.S., working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout California. SCAD’s goals are to represent the collective Armenian-American viewpoint on matters and policies of the Democratic Party, increase and strengthen the number of Armenian-American Democrats, influence and guide California State policy on matters of interest to the Armenian-American community, and maintain the viability of our free institutions.

For more information, please visit the website.