Categories: 2022

Artsakh MIA: The number of people entering and leaving the territory of the Republic of Artsakh remains almost unchanged

Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Against the backdrop of certain tensions that have reigned in Artsakh in recent days, wide circles of the society, despite anxiety, continues to maintain  composure and calm. This is stated in the statement of the Ministry  of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Artsakh.

In particular, the monitoring of the period from March 24 to March 29  and as of 1:00pm shows that the number of people entering and leaving  the territory of the Republic of Artsakh remains almost unchanged,  there are only minor fluctuations.

"Nevertheless, we take this opportunity to appeal to representatives  of the media, active users of social networks and to all public  circles with an appeal to be extremely restrained, not to publish  records or make statements that could once again provoke completely  inappropriate tension.  

Time has shown that periodic enemy provocations are not capable of  breaking the heroic people of Artsakh, and nothing can take away from  us our desire and desire to live and create in our native land," the  NKR Ministry of Internal Affairs said in a statement.

Babken Chilingarian: