Artsakh MPs expect Azerbaijani troops to return to their initial positions


The five factions of the Artsakh National Assembly on Tuesday issued the following statement after the restoration of gas supplies in the country:

"On March 28, the gas supply, which had been artificially disrupted by Azerbaijan for a few days, was restored in the Artsakh Republic.

Gas supply is a purely humanitarian issue, but Azerbaijan has used it as a means of exerting pressure on and terrorizing the Artsakh people. However, the Artsakh Armenians, once again demonstrating high civic responsibility, managed to overcome the situation.

This policy of repressions has been strongly criticized by the Republic of Armenia, the Russian peacekeeping contingent and the international community, in particular, the Russian Federation, the U.S., France, as well as a number of other countries and international organizations.

All the factions of the National Assembly of the Artsakh Republic express gratitude to the international institutions and our friends for taking a principled stance.

At the same time, highly valuing the consistent steps being taken by the Russian peacekeeping forces deployed in the Artsakh Republic, we expect the Azerbaijani troops to return to their starting positions."