Categories: 2022

Azerbaijani soldiers continue to hold positions on Karaglukh, Artsakh says


No major ceasefire violations were registered along the Artsakh-Azerbaijan line of contact last night and as of Tuesday morning. The operational and tactical situation remained tense, with a certain positive tendency to extinguish, the Artsakh Information Center said in a statement.

“The Azerbaijani troops remain deployed at the same combat positions on Karaglukh, adjacent to Parukh. The armed forces of Artsakh continue to take additional measures to strengthen their defensive positions and restrain the enemy,” it said.

“Work with the Russian peacekeeping command staff to prevent possible provocations by Azerbaijan and to withdraw the Azerbaijani troops to their starting positions is ongoing.

“The competent structures of Artsakh are following the situation and the actions of the Azerbaijani side by all possible mechanisms, and, if necessary, will report on further developments,” reads the statement.

Bedik Zaminian: