Categories: 2022

Russian Foreign Ministry comments on MP Delyagin`s statements about Azerbaijan

Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.The statements of the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy Mikhail Delyagin about Azerbaijan and Karabakh do not correspond to the position of Moscow, they are unacceptable, said official  representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

"We consider any such statement unacceptable," Zakharova said at a  briefing, commenting on Delyagin's statements, RIA Novosti reports.  According to her, such statements "do not reflect the official  position" of Moscow.  Press Secretary of the President of Russia  Dmitry Peskov noted earlier that this statement "in no way  corresponds and cannot correspond to the official line of the Russian  Federation." It should be noted that yesterday, Deputy Chairman of  the Russian State Duma Committee on Economic Policy Mikhail Delyagin,  on the air of the 60 Minutes program on the Russia 24 channel, called  for harsh and unequivocal punishment of Azerbaijan, or, as he called  it, the "Turkish proxy", for its actions in Nagorno- Karabakh and  insubordination to Russian peacekeepers.

"It is necessary to restore normal statehood throughout Ukraine and  preferably as part of the Russian Federation. Without this,  denazification will be impossible. And as for the threats that exist  now, the Polish army has quite obviously moved closer to the borders  of Belarus. It is very likely that not as part of NATO, but in as  part of Poland, they will try to attack our ally," Delyagin says.

According to him, there is also a threat of attack from Baku, because  the Azerbaijanis violated the truce in Artsakh. "Our [Russian Defense  Ministry] said that they retreated after we warned them. But Baku  officially stated that they did not leave the occupied territories  anywhere. Therefore, this policy of aggression on the part of  American satellites, in this case Turkey, or rather, Turkish proxies,  as we call them, poses a real danger. This should be punished harshly  and unambiguously. Why do we need the oil of the Azerbaijani  industry?  We do not need it, it is extremely vulnerable. If people  do not understand words, they will probably have to understand deeds.   If we don't do this, we'll cease to exist. The only question is  this," the MP said.

This statement of the Russian MP caused hysteria in Baku. 

Maral Takmazian: