Azerbaijan`s operation cause of much graver problems for Artsakh

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Many people have a vague idea of the strategic importance of the village of Parukh, Tigran Abrahamyan, a member of the opposition bloc With Honor, wrote  in a Facebook post. 

During their last advance the Azerbaijani troops occupied much larger  territories than the village of Parukh within its administrative  borders.   

"I am writing it because some people, knowingly or unknowingly, are  giving priority to the village of Parukh alone, whereas the  strategically important parts of the Karaglukh ridge can be a source  of a much greater threat that Parukh itself. 

"The Azerbaijanis used Paraglukh a transit point and, immediately  after invading it, they built bypass roads to get to different part  of Karabglukh and strengthen their positions, ensure uninterrupted  supplies nd cause new problems to the very life in Artsakh," the MP  wrote.

Artsakh is facing much more serious problems now, and Azerbaijan's  operation has created an even graver situation. –