Categories: 2022

Aliyev expresses hope for “productive” meeting with Pashinyan in Brussels




YEREVAN, MARCH 31, ARMENPRESS. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev held a meeting with Minister for Foreign Affairs of Poland, OSCE Chairman-in-Office Zbigniew Rau in Baku.

“This is a good opportunity to discuss the important issues on our agenda. Of course, as the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, you and I will discuss the post-conflict situation in the region. At the same time, the bilateral agenda between Poland and Azerbaijan is very extensive. As you may know, we recently had a telephone conversation with President Andrzej Duda. I have very good memories of my meetings with the President in Warsaw, Baku and Davos. You are aware that we are in regular contact and the relations between our countries are a good demonstration of a strong partnership between us.

We are also grateful to Poland for its continuous support in matters of cooperation with the European Union. This process is now in full swing, and the European Union has already announced that a new meeting between the Armenian prime minister and myself will be organized by President Charles Michel. I do hope that this meeting will be productive, because there have already been several meetings and we must move towards peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia and sign a peace agreement as soon as possible. In our view, Azerbaijan has laid out the main principles of this agreement,” the Azerbaijani AZERTAC State News Agency quoted President Aliyev as saying at the meeting.

President Aliyev again falsely claimed that “the conflict has already been resolved.”

“….and now is the time to normalize relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia. We are receiving certain messages from Armenian officials. As I was recently informed that one of these messages is that they consider our proposal acceptable. This is very good news, and I hope that this issue will be clarified at the meeting in Brussels.

The five principles we have initiated reflect the norms of international law and good international conduct. We are not inventing a bicycle here, so to speak. All these principles are the fundamental principles of interstate relations between any countries. Reciprocal recognition of territorial integrity and inviolability of international borders, and then the delimitation of borders – I think that peace will come to the Caucasus on this basis. We want it. We are seeing the potential for active cooperation amongst the three countries of the South Caucasus, and I think that this will be important not only for these countries but also for the wider region. Of course, all these issues need to be addressed very carefully and in a timely manner,” Aliyev added.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan earlier said that there is nothing unacceptable for Armenia in the 5-point proposals for peace talks handed over by Azerbaijan, and that Yerevan has responded to Baku.

 The OSCE Chairman-in-Office and Poland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Zbigniew Rau is expected to arrive to Armenia on March 31.

Kanayan Tamar: