It is necessary to restart the negotiations in a constructive way. Italian MP refers to the situation in Nagorno Karabak




YEREVAN, 31 MARCH, ARMENPRESS. Member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Giulio Centemero referred to the issue of depriving the population of Nagorno-Karabakh of gas, violation of the trilateral statement, called to restart peaceful negotiations of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, ARMENPRESS reports, the Embassy of Armenia in Italy informs.

Centemero informed that cases of violation of the ceasefire of November 9, 2020 took place, which resulted in victims and wounded.

“Currently we face a very serious humanitarian crisis, from which the population of Nagorno-Karabakh suffers because of the damage of the only pipeline transferring gas, who remained without gas for nearly a month. It is necessary to constructively restart peaceful negotiations and refuse the violent way”, member of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy emphasized.

He also called on to stop the violence, restart peaceful negotiations on his Twitter page.

The authorities of Artsakh said that the main pipeline supplying gas from Armenia to Artsakh was damaged on March 7 and the supply stopped. The Artsakh authorities had said the area where the damage occurred was in Azerbaijani-controlled territory. It was reported that the Azerbaijani military deliberately damaged the pipeline. The Azerbaijani authorities obstructed repair works for days. Only on March 16 the authorities in Artsakh announced that the Azerbaijani side itself began the repair work. However, days later, the gas supply was cut again. Authorities said they have reasons to believe that during the repairs the Azeri authorities installed a valve on the pipeline in order to shut it down whenever they want. On March 28 it was again restored.