Categories: 2022

“Days of Crimea” to be held in Armenia

MediaMax, Armenia
April 2 2022

Yerevan /Mediamax/. “Days of Crimea” will be launched in Armenia on April 4.

TASS says this was reported by the Vice Prime Minister of Crimea Georgi Muradov.

“In the coming days we will hold Days of Crimea in Armenia. They are waiting for us there, the public is interested in everything that happens in Crimea. There will be meetings of the Crimean and Armenian businesses, meetings with the public, speeches, conferences, performances by our creative teams. These are full-fledged events,” Muradov said.

Mediamax reports that the organizer of the event is the chairman of the Union of Constitutional Law, head of the Friends of Crimea club Hayk Babukhanyan.

Zhanna Nahapetian: