Categories: 2022

Abrahamyan: Azerbaijan has occupied some 1,200 hectares of land in Artsakh region

Armenia – March 31 2022

Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) has found itself in a complicated political and diplomatic situation, Armenian MP Tigran Abrahamyan of the opposition With Honor faction told a news conference on Thursday, referring to the latest Azerbaijani aggression.

The lawmaker states that the Azerbaijani troops have occupied quite a large territory of the Askeran region of the Artsakh Republic after breaching the ceasefire on March 23.

"According to rough estimates, it’s about 1,100-1,200 hectares of land, but the issue should not be considered only in a territorial context, because through the invasion Azerbaijan seeks to enhance its positional advantage as well as to exercise control over the livelihood of the parts of Artsakh which are currently under our control," Abrahamyan said.

He claims that the Armenian government has not taken any appropriate measures in the current situation.

“Political statements or assessments of the situation have no deterrent effect. We have to state that Armenia has not taken appropriate actions within its capacities and has not ensured the security of Artsakh Armenians," Abrahamyan stressed.

Sonya Jalatian: